We offer simple $45.00 per room pricing, for rooms up to 200 Square feet each. With a $125.00 minimum job size within our service area, $225.00 minimum if outside of our normal service area. Combination and L shaped rooms are considered as two rooms. Oversized rooms are charged a rate of .20 Cents per square foot over the first 200 sqft. Small closets are included at no additional charge. Walk in closets, Bathrooms and Hallways are $1.50 per foot length wise. Stair cases are charged same as a room or $3.00 each if less than 10 steps. Basic deodorizer is one third price of cleaning and Scotch Guard protector is half price of cleaning. Commercial pricing available through a free in person estimate. Call us today at 913-954-9269 to get your carpets clean and fresh once again.
Residential & Commercial 913-954-9269
We first pretreat your carpets using a child and pet friendly cleaning solution, then rinse with fresh water only leaving your carpets clean and fresh, also free of any sticky residue which can attract dirt back to your carpets. We use and recommend the hot water extraction carpet cleaning method, also called steam cleaning, as it is the method most recommended by the major carpet manufactures as well. We also offer a dry encapsulation carpet cleaning method if you prefer that method. General spotting is included, we only charge extra for stubborn spots for example kool aid or pet urine. Those can be removed most of the time with specialty stain removers but require additional time and treatment. We will always explain your options and give you a price on any extra fees associated with any specialty spot removal before we start your carpet cleaning job. We offer free estimates to everyone, and a free demo to all new Commercial clients.